The breast is hot and swollen , breastfeeding is becoming more and more painful, and to top it all off, you suffer from fever and aching limbs . It’s not uncommon for breastfeeding mums to show these symptoms during the nursing period, and when they occur, the diagnosis is usually quite clear. It’s mastitis.
The breast is engorged, some areas feel hard and warm, and putting the baby to the breast hurts. Many breastfeeding women know the discomfort caused by blocked milk ducts . And those who have been spared the unpleasant experience so far worry that they too may be affected in the near future.
There are many different breastfeeding positions to choose from, and finding the right one that is comfortable for both mother and baby is not an easy task. Especially in the early days, breastfeeding mums usually have to try out different nursing positions before finding their personal favourite. Not to forget that not all breastfeeding positions are suitable for the first few days.
Sore nipples are a common breastfeeding problem —especially during the first few days and weeks after birth. Already during pregnancy, the mother’s nipples can become sensitive and irritated, and with the start of breastfeeding, the discomfort usually worsens since the nipples first have to adapt to the baby’s strong suck.